
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.27

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

When the next day and the night came, it reported on the recall problem of Toyota Motor also in NHK.

However, former president Mr. Watanabe was a rapture in only several months ago when having ruled the world. Does the abuse of a wrong pride produce 10 million defective vehicles between slightly, and was the loss of one trillion yen done through necessity? It is a foolish story.

A few days later, Toyota Motor Corporation could not finish covering the malfunction of the prius car and decided recall declaration including three associated car models in the country.

There was less damage and should not have finished it if you gave an ordinary response from a beginning? If this is a business policy of Toyota Motor Corporation, buy anything; a wooden bowl.

I felt that the constitution of Toyota had completely changed obediently.


然し、ほんの数か月前に渡辺前社長は世界を制したと有頂天だった。間違った自尊心の乱用が、僅か数か月の間に一千万台の欠陥車を生産してしまい、一兆円もの損失を余儀なくされてしまったことになる?  馬鹿げた話だ!!


最初から当たり前の対応をしていれば、ダメージはもっと少なくて済んだ筈ではないだろうか!? これがトヨタ自動車の営業方針ならば何をかいわんやである。 


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