
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.59

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

I was confused by a name to call foreign countries complaint window for and revealed my true intentions counting on a person of temporary transfer from the inconvenience of words. However, it is blocked by the long spear of a battlefront military unit given neither no responsibility nor the authority and raises a flag of surrender or I give vent to feelings and wander in the course of the defeat or expose a corpse finally, or will there be only such a method?

If President Toyoda, this were the answers to customer of Toyota Motor Corporation, would the show stopper which the pledge by the U.S. congressional hearing of President Toyoda was what and played to the people concerned of the world by the next press conference and an excuse pilgrimage be a scenario from a beginning? I do not want to believe it.


豊田社長、これがトヨタ自動車の顧客に対する回答だとするならば、豊田社長の米議会公聴会での公約は何だったのです?その後の記者会見および言い訳行脚で、世界中の関係者に演じて見せた名演技は、最初からのシナリオだったのでしょうか。 私は信じたくない。

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