
国際貢献とは何だ / International aid will be what NO.5

Poverty of the heart / 心の貧困

It is to experience the person who has visited this country by all means, but a taxi, a nightclub, a restaurant, the payment with the open-air must be it, and a Japanese price exists. The change scarcely returns if I do not request it. It is completely licked.

The thing as the clearness does not return to the money which I lent even if I win a trial by borrowing and loaning it of the money.  This is because most partners hide a figure. It is a task of extreme difficult to find out the person whom a Japanese evaded in this country. 

Opposite is arrested for intimidation if I start it and it is intense and pursues even a loud voice even if I find a body and press it for return. 
It is the reality that I am totally unfair, and seemed to describe complaints in a painting.




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