
Third-rate fraud / 三流の詐欺師 No.7

Formidable girl / 強かな少女

I am not at him and told calmly "Since you are still too young, you are not taken over in my office" toward the girl.
The girl twined the look around Mr. Nagatani with the expression which was bewildered for a moment.
A woman's recovery is early when saying like this. The man in the scene said like this is too poor, and it is fair-weather.

The next moment, the girl looked into me to upward glance, and has twined the look around it.
I bowed my head in assent slightly, and showed. The girl turned the look to Mr. Nagatani again. A daughter regards it as having differed from it which shakes something for a while for the father.
Mr. Nagatani raises a face, saying "Carry out somehow", and he began to speak about her career and destiny.

Since it was hardly heard, there is nothing to memory about what it spoke, but I think that I was angry toward something by somewhere in hearts.
Although refused repeatedly, it holds on obstinately and has become troublesome.
Its way will have been forced, if Mr. Nagatani is the conditions which pay talent training expenses and he eventually says simply.

私は彼にではなく少女に向かって、 君はまだ若すぎるから私の事務所では引き受けられない と静かに伝えた。少女は一瞬キョトンとした表情で長谷氏に視線を絡ませた。こう云う時の女性は立ち直りが早い。こう言う場面での男は余りにも貧弱で頼りがいがない。



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