
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.72

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

In addition, if oneself is the situation of the overseas general manager, half sacrifices the simple subordinate who is poor in worldly affairs by the disgraceful affair that occurred from a way of difference of one's stupid command and will run about in utter confusion to be able to hold it for self-protection? I was made, and only an answer that I was engaged earnestly was seen for the excuse that I was too servile, and was mean to say that I exerted both the good faith and the beneficence.

When because I walked some lives, like it; good; the coffee which there is not of bitter water, color drinks up bitter tea without several degrees without being concerned if join, and is the aim that invited this age to. There were not aims to attack these people personally at all, but did it with a flinch in the too crafty company idea and principle of cunning self-protection. It was the feeling that the fatigue that smoldered spouted out at one sweep.

また、己が海外室長の立場だとしたら、半分は自分の愚かな采配の振り違いから発生した不祥事を、世事に乏しい純朴な部下を犠牲にし、保身のため右往左往するだろうか?  誠意も仁慈も尽くしたとの云う、余りにも卑屈で汚い言い訳に作りに、奔走しているとの答えしか見えてこなかった。 


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