
被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.10

対岸の火事 / Someone else's problem



何故か?  総てとは申しませんが、政界は政争の具に、企業は責任を逃れるための工作に終始し、巷の評論家は自己宣伝に大災害を流用しているからに他ならないのです。

それぞれの関係者が責任ある行動を示していれば、「 想定外 」 などと云う無責任で不謹慎きわまりない言葉が、電波や活字に乗って世界中へ飛び散る筈はないでしょう。

外国のメディアは笑っています。日本の指導者や国営的企業はまるで他人ごと様だ。 巷の評論家までお神輿かついでお祭り騒ぎをしていると、悪い冗談を本国へ伝えているのです。


実は私も遠い昔に国策の失敗から父親を東京空襲で失った戦争被害者です。今また車輪留めボルトの折損事故で、数年前からトヨタ自動車との間で、嘆願や戦いを繰り返しておりますが、国も企業も耳と目を閉ざすだけで全くの無関心です。 誰も助けてはくれません。


It was the last, but it is only the done local, words that are damage, but tells victims encountered this great earthquake disaster, a man-made disaster of the nuclear power generation about condolences and a visit heartily.
The reason why I decided this mutter is too because I felt resentment for heartless information and criticism to overflow. Ask me by all means.

All of you of the stricken area should have performed every report or appeal so far to a country, administration, the company. However, it was got nothing from the answer that I could be satisfied with.
Why I do not claim to be all, but, for a political means, the company does work to escape from responsibility all the time, and the politics are because the public commentator diverts great disaster to self-advertisement.

If each person concerned shows a certain responsibility action, the words that are extreme in imprudence may not be scattered on an electric wave and printing type with irresponsibility to tell "to be unexpected" to the world.
I laugh at the foreign media. A Japanese leader and the company of the government management are totally states together with another person. I convey a bad joke to the own country when I make merry to a public commentator in a miniature shrine or an occasion.
Therefore it is refused entry an active Diet member by the neighboring country. This is because it is licked.

Victims, this is reality.
In fact, I am the war victim who lost father in Tokyo air raid from the failure of the national policy in ancient times.
I keep it, and, in a disadvantageous accident, I repeat an appeal and a fight from several years ago to Toyota Motor Corporation, but both the country and the company only shut an ear and eyes, and a wheel is really indifferent to the occasion of the bolt again now. When I help it, nobody gives it.

When people engaged in politics think about a beaming face, the man of business only to the worker bee including our thing only at the time of election if I achieve kith and kin, a purpose until I finish a sales contract, it will not be exaggerated even if I say.
Please do not be angry; victims! Do not you do so whether you do not give up depending on these people?

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