
捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.5

第五章・歩き出した慰安婦物語 / The charity dame story that has begun to walk





西岡力氏の話によると、記事を書いた記者に 「 挺身隊と慰安婦が別物であることを知っているだろうと詰め寄ったところ、慰安婦には女衒が何時も付きまとい闇が深い。戦争中だから起こり得た事だろう。この種の記事は二度と書かない」、と云って言葉を濁したそうです。









韓国側がこの調査書を日本へ渡す時、「 この中に総てが記されている 」 と言ったそうです。韓国政府が自信を持って渡した証言集ですら、この程度のものであるからには、慰安婦は正に深い闇に閉ざされていると云わざるを得ない。

Chapter 5 The charity dame story that has begun to walk

32)An article appears in a Japanese large-sized newspaper, and the woman who it is sold to a kisang, and disguised herself as a charity dame from poverty appears to TV like day after day when I think in a Korean situation.
Will not it be a modern Cinderella story?
An article to be called 〞 which 〝 12-year-old girl was made to make a charity dame in Korea in such a case jumped out.
The girl said that she did not yet come back to the Keijo after having gone to Japan to work as volunteer corps.

33)The generation put education for people and inclination ten years not to know in front of war was easily convinced and flew into a rage when I made a sex slave to a 12-year-old girl because the work volunteer corps were recognized to be a charity dame in then Korea.
To the newspaperman who wrote an article according to the story of Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka after "pressing you to know that volunteer corps and a charity dame are exceptions, pimps always follow a charity dame, and darkness is deep". It will be the thing that was possible because it is fighting. I said, I never wrote this kind of article and seemed to become vague.

34)〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 of former charity dame had the darkness. According to the place that an interpreter when appeared in the Japanese TV station talked about "the alone life that gold study order asked none of the relatives was lonely".
I knew that the family of a commandeered person filed a suit on TV and seemed to talk sadly when oneself thought to enter a group.

35)When the old woman who was a former charity dame files a suit against Japan, I cannot bring in what I cannot understand for a trial if not accompanied by a Japanese lawyer.
I do not touch it by the article of the morning sun, but the plaintiff testifies that it was sold to a Brothel from a beginning and never overturns.
It is hardly thought that a lawyer has anything to do with such a plaintiff seriously.

36)I should persuade you to leave the court because you are not in the object of the suit if common.
I will remonstrate about I appear to TV further, and exposing shame if I really think of the situation of former charity dame.
There will be the prejudice in the Korean society.
I should come to cannot but say that I was taken to the Japanese military once if I come forward publicly.

37)It is used by an anti-Japan campaigner of Japan after I show one's private parts which I do not want to remember, and a root digs it, and a tooth digs it, and having been knocked about by another person and is evacuated and is shouted.
It is cursed unwillingly when I change testimony when I tell a lie this time from another place.
It is hurt honor, and it will be bound to be dragged around twice three times. I am really too poor.

38)The main forgery part about a survey by to be able to put in Korea Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka and Ikuhiko Hata and "the forcible escort of the military" that the Asahi Shimbun insisted on by coverage already collapsed.
In the Korean side, well-known Anjonziku honorary professor of Seoul University played a key role at this time, and the group which called 40 several people who came forward as a charity dame volunteer corps meeting for the study carried out hearing investigation in earnest.

39)This investigation applied with 40 several, but it was 19 people that it was able to leave it as a document, and it was only four that insisted on when oneself was forced till the last.
The one of these testified that it was forced in Pusan, Korea and insisted on the one when forced in Toyama.
However, only two people stayed because there was not the comfort station in the place that was not a battlefield.

40)The survey by An honorary professors was submitted to the Korean government as "a collection of testimony".
When a Korean side handed this report of investigation to Japan, I seemed to say, "all was written down in this".
The charity dame cannot but say to right deep darkness since even a collection of testimony that the Korean government handed with confidence is a thing of this level when snowbound.

捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.4

第四章・慰安婦問題の登場 / Appearance of the issue of charity dame




23)「 この金学順と云う慰安婦名を伏せて 」 第一報を報じたのは、91年8月11日付け朝日新聞 ( 大阪版 ) の植村隆と云う記者である。
彼の記事には、日中戦争や大東亜戦争中に 「 女子挺身隊 」と偽って戦場に連行され、日本軍人相手に売春行為を強要された、「 朝鮮人従軍慰安婦 」 の一人が名乗り出たと書かれてあった。






28)そればかりか朝日新聞の大犯罪は、92年1月11日朝刊一面トップで、「 慰安婦所へ軍関与を示す資料・政府見解揺らぐ 」 との記事を掲載した事でした。

29)書類を詳しく読んで見ると、慰安婦を斡旋する業者が人さらい同然に女性を集めているが、「 軍の権威に関わるから業者の選定を厳格にせよ 」 と言う命令書だったのです。






 Chapter 4 Appearance of the issue of charity dame

20)I faced it at the time of a problem of the fingerprint sealing of the Korean residing in Japan and a President visit to Japan in Korea between Japan and Korea around 89, and the problems such as words of the war apology of His Majesty the Emperor piled up.
Housewife, Atsuko Aoyagi of Oita went to Korea while the visit to Korea of Prime Minister Miyazawa was planned in 92 and recruited the plaintiffs who woke up claim for payment to Japanese Government partner.

21)Because the expense to modify a trial bore all as for the handbill contents of the recruitment of plaintiffs assigned in a street according to the book of Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka, I said to Japanese Government partner with a state including suit.
Aoyagi was not able to get a plaintiff at this point in time.
It was commandeered by the Japanese military after going back to its own country, and the family of a person forced to forced labor came forward, and a trial began.

22)In Korea after the Zen government, youths instilled the inclination history to be called education for ten years while history impeachment diplomacy to Japan was succeeded in grew up.
,〝 gold study order and old woman 〞 of former charity dame who said which knew the compensation trial that began in Japan on TV came forward.
I have poured fire in the patriotism of youths who received inclination history education.

23)It is a reporter saying with Takashi Uemura of the charge account Asahi Newspaper (Osaka version) on August 11, 91 that I hide this charity dame name, and reported the first report.
It was written for his article that the one of "the Korean charity dame" that I was taken to the battlefield during Japan-China War and Greater East Asia War in the disguise of "girl volunteer corps" and was forced a prostitution act on a Japanese officer partner came forward.

24)It established ,〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 for the press conference here to be a problem and testified when even the complaint which I submitted to the Japanese Government later was sold to the brothel in 40 yen at the age of 14 years old even at the time of next Korea side hearing investigation by mother throughout, and it was to a charity dame.
The local Korean paper reported that it was sold to a supplier in 14 years old to mother for economic distress.

25)A part sold to a supplier to mother came out of the article that the Asahi Newspaper reported completely.
In addition, this article has been already reported in Japan three days before 〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 founded a press conference in Korea.
Interest is an important part flowed into for a reporter of Takashi Uemura and the saying Asahi Newspaper as expected whether such a trick was possible in why.

26)There is a group called "Pacific War victim bereaved society" where 〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 links the name to a plaintiff in Korea.
The son-in-law of the permanent director of this group was reporter Uemura. In other words the executive of the plaintiff corps is the mechanism that was able to take an independent interview of ,〝 gold study order 〞 for mother-in-law.
Such a good story cannot roll everywhere before the life.

27)It is the point where core part saying that the simple question I float here, and to be finished was sold to a brothel in 40 yen for an article of Uemura is not placed in.
I have concealed the truth that became disadvantageous to push forward the trial of the mother-in-law profitably.

This is a grave offense punishment unworthy for communications. It is the act that it is the breach of trust for the national nation, and should be called a traitor.

28)The great crime of only it or the Asahi Newspaper was to have placed an article, "document, government opinion indicating the military participation shook at the all over the morning edition top to a charity dame place" on January 11, 92.
I found out this document as documents about the recruitment of charity dames that Professor Yoshimi of Chuo University engaged in a charity dame place of the military in National Institute for Defense Studies.

29)When I read documents in detail and looked, the supplier who mediated a charity dame was the same as kidnapping and gathered women, but was the letter missive which said, "I did the choice of the supplier strictly because I was concerned with the authority of the military".

I bent a fact by pushing on understanding such a fact by force, and the Asahi Shimbun reported a forgery article.

30)The plaintiff corps of the suit increased 〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 which was a former charity dame in this way and announced the forgery article that the Asahi Newspaper crossed in twice.
I announced "an apology and the reflection" on January 13, 92 without being able to finish bearing it, and then Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato has apologized.

I gave the first government statement with being in condition not to conduct any investigation as Japanese Government.

31)I lowered the head to the Korean President in an obsequious manner eight times and apologized as if I appeared when it was January 17 four days later when Prime Minister Miyazawa visited Korea and would not be late for the Chief Cabinet Secretary.
The answer with the place to examine seemed to return from now on when I asked the reason why Prime Minister Miyazawa apologized to the person in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Northeast Asia Division according to the book of Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka.