
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.5』

    〖 あの夜に 流した滴 そら涙 騙した訳も 綿吹雪 〗

狙いはタレントだった / The aim was a talent

34) 新しい年を迎えた2005年1月9日、少女の一件以来音沙汰のなかった永谷氏から、『 離婚するので弁護士を紹介して欲しい 』 と電話が入りました。

35) 何故ならば、この国では知り合いだからと迂闊に物事を頼むと、後日途方もない手数料を要求される事が殆どだ。

36) 当社の顧問弁護士と通訳を紹介し、一月十五日に弁護士事務所で離婚調停が開かれました。

37) 結論として離婚の条件は、奥さんが三人の子供を引き取り、アパートの一階と二階の権利を保有し、三階は永谷氏の住居にする事で離婚は成立しました。 


38) 2月になったある日の夕方、永谷氏が相談したい事があると事務所を訪れた。

39) 年齢が近いこともあったし、部分的には私の境遇と共通する点もあるからなのだが、悪い癖で泣が入るとからきし弱いのである。


40) 暫く経って我に返った。

「 間違いなく事務所に若い女性が大勢いる。然し、彼女達はフィリピン政府公認の芸能人であり、事務所が契約を結んでいる商売上の商品である。街角に屯する女性たちとは違う。また、家族には多額の借金があり、事務所にも契約や借金が残っているから、簡単に紹介はできない 」。


41) 食事の後で近くのバーへ誘われた。


42) その後、事務所のスタッフが呆れ返る程に、午後四時を過ぎると飲食とかゴルフへの誘いが繰り返されました。

43)  タレントの借金とか内容などを根ほり歯ほり質問され辟易となりながら、個人差はあるが事務所と家族の借金を合わせれば、20万から50万ペソ位だろうと答えた。


The aim was a talent

「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」

34) On January 9, 2005 when I reached new age, a telephone entered at Nagatani whom there was not of the news since the affair of the girl when "I wanted you to introduce a lawyer because you were divorced".
Though I thought whether there was not the partner to talk about an important problem with, but on the other hand should have been hard to confide it because there was the matter of the girl, there was a feeling of strange relief when I was good and talked.

35) It is often found to be required a fee extraordinary later when it orders things carelessly in this country when it is an acquaintance.
It is rare that a story is unified, and it is curved, and a plot becomes the big rumor, and this is because there are many results to hold a new trouble.
Of the number felt apprehensive, but the implored weakness and enthusiast of the countryman became heavy, and guided you.

36) I introduced our legal adviser and interpreter, and divorce mediation was held in a law office on January 15.
When the flirtation could not follow abnormal sexual desire not once and twice, the story that Nagatani was giving an interview with a lawyer, and was told by a wife said.
For a thing and the money beyond the limit of the patience was suspicious and when was the disposal to lack the school expenses of the child, cried very much and was done.
I almost chimed in so that there was really it.

37) A wife left three children, and the condition of the divorce held a right of the first floor and the second floor of the apartment, and, in the third floor, the divorce was established in what I did in the house of Nagaya in conclusion.
His communication became frequent again and received golf or a meal or the invitation to a nightclub since there is this thing, but refrained from the acquaintance because I was busy. 

38) When Nagaya might want to talk in the evening of one day when it was February, I visited the office.
I began to talk when I went to the restaurant nearby when I introduced a woman as soon as I sat down in my seat.
When the willpower that it is attacked by a feeling of weakness that it is not got up in the morning after parting from a wife in the place that he talked about without being able to sleep at night, and golfs does not spring out, I say.
Because I seemed to be completely out of order in a depression state, I suggested tears when I helped it.

39) Age might be near and my circumstances and common point are because there is it partially, but are awfully weak when implored in a bad habit.
When the talent of the ,〝 company was tools of trades 〞, the events such as woman problems told the attitude toward matter and golf play with the girl, the wife who parted were intense and sounded warning and were going to pull back the heart that seemed to be drawn me to.

40) It passed for a while and pulled myself together.
"There is certainly a lot of young women in the office. However, they are entertainers of the government official recognition in Philippines, and an office is a product in business making a contract. I am different from women hanging around a street corner. In addition, the introduction is not easily possible because I owe a family a large amount of money, and a contract and a debt are left in the office.〞
It is the conclusion that I told to Nagaya.

41) It was provoked after a meal to a bar nearby.
I began the exchange of the next woman and phone number before he who did not drink liquor seemed to love a woman awfully and passed enough about a seat.
Because a human being was the animal which I was apt to like it each, and the sense of values was influenced by a difference, occasional feelings, and lived, I was deeply impressed seriously when willful life would be permitted the human being like him.

42) The staff of the office was too amazed, and an invitation to eating and drinking or golf was repeated afterwards when it was past 4:00 p.m.
Finally, I was made to golf in a member course of Nagaya in Cavite City on both days of March 6 and April 8 without being able to finish declining it, and a woman occupied the center of the topic in cars for granted.

43) While I dug a root and dug a tooth and was asked about a debt or the contents of the talent, and it was with a flinch, there was the individual difference, but answered it that it would be around 500,000 pesos from 200,000 if I put an office and the debts of the family together.
When love repetition, the pregnancy become clear as for most of talents while they work in Japan, most women disappear in front of us.

I will wonder, but usually seduce the Japanese of the partner. I think that it is a kind of abduction crime.
However, properties are totally different if they advise position talent about a marriage meeting. If even any difficult problem happens, the possibility deprived of an invitation license can occur.