
セックス・スレーブ粉砕計画 / Sexual intercourse slave crush plan No.3



The sentence placing here is the original for Twitter that I addressed to President Obama and Ruth staying in Japan ambassador.

When I relate to an English sentence, I adopt machine translation of Yahoo Corporation and I am honored and know the others of the address because a sentence is the same implication if I copy it and can have cooperation for tweet.


1) 閣下も既にお気づきと存じますが、 日本国民は韓国の売春婦捏造問題に関し我慢の限界が来たと思います。残念ですが数日前にも貴国のグレンデール市に、第三の売春婦碑建立の法案が可決されました。

2) この様な状況の中で、米国の地方政府が韓国人のロビー活動に加担し、これ以上に売春婦捏造劇を拡大させ続けると、敗戦後の日本における米兵の性処理施設の件も明るみに出ます。

3) 占領当時のGHQが連合軍兵士の為に、性処理用の売春施設を要請した事実は、今も公文書が日米両政府に保管されております。この件に関与した人達も大勢生存いたしております。

4) 韓国の売春婦だけでなく、日本に於いても歴史を捻じ曲げ、売春婦の人権を冒涜しているのは純粋な日本国民ではない。はっきり申し上げれば、帰化人や南朝鮮人を始とする米国の地方議員や報道関係者であります。

5) 米国が韓国人の捏造に歩調を合わせ、英霊になってしまった日本兵に濡れ衣を着せるのであれば、我々は恥を忍びお互いの恥ずかしい歴史の真実を訴える覚悟を決めなければなりません。

6) 不幸な事に我が国は、三年間に及ぶ民主党の悪政が国民意識を一変させ、GHQの正体まで知ら占める事になりました。出来る事ならば関係国の為にも知らない方が幸せだったでしょう。

7) この様な苦境に立たされても、国民の多くは貴国との友好関係破壊を望んでいません。それは志を同じくする諸国との共栄を望むと同時に、敵性国家に塩を送る行為を断ち切る覚悟を固めたからだと考えます。

8) また、大東亜戦争前後からの悲しい歴史の数々が明るみになっても、日米両国に取っては何の利益も齎さないでしょう。南朝鮮などに新たな言い掛かりの種を与えることにもなり兼ねません。

9) 我々日本国民は敗戦後78年間、無法な東京裁判を罵った事もなければ、その判決に異論を唱え賠償を求めた事実もありません。頑ななまでに恭順に伏し、世界平和と祖国の繁栄に務めて参りました。

10) 我々は貴国を友とも兄とも崇め、何時も一歩下がって付き従って参りました。隣国の様に生来の凶暴性を発揮し権利だけを主張して、米国内で殺人や売春や強姦行為を犯した事は一度も無い筈です。

11) 閣下、米国人の正義は朝鮮民族の汚いロビー活動に、魂を奪われプレゼント作戦に敗北してしまったのですか? 大変に無礼な表現だとは思いながら、悪意に満ちた売春婦碑建立を突きつけられると、どうしても激しい言葉が飛び出してしまいます。

12) 慰安婦の正体は売春婦だった。youtu.be/UfyZioj0M-c

13) 韓国政府と米国メディアが隠匿した慰安婦の真実。http://youtu.be/ijYLNvUPU_A

14) 米国の一般人による慰安婦の認識とニュースキャスター。http://www.toychan.net/archives/2012/12/12_0835.php 

15) 韓国軍がベトナムで行なった性奴隷の真実。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQrISRFwmc&feat

16) 日本の敗戦当時にロシア軍と朝鮮人が、満州から引き上げる日本人を虐待した事実です。米国の教科書にも掲載されていますので原作をお読み下さい。So Far from the Bamboo Grove ( Paperback ed. ).  ISBN 0-688-13115-8.

17) これらの資料を参考にして頂ければ、米国内で兵隊相手の売春婦を性奴隷だと騒ぐのは、ロビー活動家に魂を抜かれた政治家と報道関係者である事がお解りになると思います。

18) 我々世代の日本人が崇拝していた米国人はすっかり姿を消してしまった気がします。ワシントンのお力で地方議会やメディアを封じて下さらないと、何れは見苦しい言い争いの種になるでしょう。


20) 米国の偉大な英霊を追悼する公園に、韓国の売春婦碑を建立したのでは、米国の英雄たちに余りにも失礼だと日本人でも思います。英雄諸氏のご遺族は何とも感じないのでしょうか。

21) Eisenhower氏を始め米国の礎になられた多くの英雄の魂が、さぞ驚いている事ではないでしょうか。これは日本の政治家が靖国神社参拝を非難する行為と同様に、英霊に対する冒瀆の何物でもないと考えます。

22) この様な状況下で心ある日本人が考える事は、米国は日本をどうしたいのかと言う事だと思います。貴国が韓国の売春婦などに感けていると、日本は本当に支那の一部になってしまうでしょう。

23) 勿論、米国も計算済の事でしょうが、反米共産軍は日本と言う防波堤が一日も早く崩壊する事を望んでいます。簡単に米国を攻撃できる訳です。尖閣の件が物語る様にかの国はそうした国です。

24) 閣下、下記のブログ・大東亜戦争の正体/No.8 追記の部分を是非お読み下さい。songoftraveler.blogspot.com

X) この投稿者を調査する場合はブログをご覧ください。英文は全てヤフー翻訳です。http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tabiji-yama/

Z) 生意気な事を申し上げましたが、閣下の寛大なるご理解とご支援を賜り、両国およびアジア地域の安定と世界平和に結び付けて頂きたく、重ねてお願い申し上げる次第です。

Sir President Obama

1) His Highness already thinks that I am aware, but the Japanese citizen thinks that a limit of the patience came about the issue of prostitute forgery of Korea. I am sorry, but a bill of the third prostitute monument erection was approved a few days ago by the Glendale city of your country.

2) When an American local government takes part in Korean lobbying in such situation and continues letting you escalate a prostitute forgery drama further, the matter of the-related processing facilities of the U.S. soldier in Japan after the defeat comes to light.

3) As for the fact that GHQ at the time of the occupation called for prostitution facilities for sex processing for an Allied Forces soldier, an official document is still kept by both Japan and the United States government. A lot of people who participated in this matter live.

4) I forge the history in not only the Korean prostitute but also Japan, and it is not a pure Japanese citizen to profane the human rights of the prostitute. It is the American local member of the Diet and journalist who assume denizen and south Korean the beginning if I express it clearly.

5) If the United States adjusts a pace to a Korean forgery and frames the Japan soldier who has become the soul, you must be ready that we bear shame and accuse the truth of the history that each other is ashamed.

6) Unfortunately, misgovernment of the Democratic Party for three years lets nation awareness change completely, and our country will occupy intellect and others to real nature of GHQ. Not to know for the country concerned if to be able to do it either would be happy.

7) Most of nations do not expect friendly relationship destruction with your country even if made to rise in such a difficult situation. It thinks that this is because it hardened readiness to cut off an act to send salt to the inimical character nation at the same time to expect the mutual prosperity with the countries sharing will.

8) In addition, I will not bring what profit even if many sad history from before and after Greater East Asia War comes to light when I take it in both Japan and the United States either. I can be to give the kind of a new false charge in south Korea.

9) I advocate an objection for the judgment, and, as for we Japanese citizens, there is not the fact that demanded compensation if I have not cursed unreasonable Tokyo trial after defeat for 78 years. I prostrated myself in allegiance so as to be obstinate and served for world peace and the prosperity of the mother country.

10) As for us, a friend worshiped your country with the older brother and it always fell one step and followed you. I show born brutality like a neighboring country and insist on only a right, and there can be never that I committed murder and prostitution and a rape act in the United States.

11) When they are malicious, and the prostitute monument erection that rose is thrust while thinking that it is expression rude at all whether I am robbed of a soul by mean lobbying of the Korea race, and His Highness, the American justice have been defeated by a present strategy, never intense words jump out.

12) I look at His Highness, the following animation by all means, and, please understand the lie of the sex slave. http://youtu.be/ijYLNvUPU_A

13) I look at His Highness, the next animation by all means, and, please know the lie of the Kawano statement. youtu.be/UfyZioj0M-c

14) Sir, the following animation are recognition about the charity dame of the thoughtful person of both Japan and the United States. http://www.toychan.net/archives/2012/12/12_0835.php 

15) The truth of the sexual intercourse slave that the Korean military performed in Vietnam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQrISRFwmc&feat

16) It is the fact that abused the Japanese whom the Russian military and Korean promote from Manchurian in defeat those days in Japan. Because it is placed in the American textbook, please read the original. So Far from the Bamboo Grove (Paperback ed).   ISBN 0-688-13115-8.

17) It thinks the prostitute of the soldier partner to know that it is a politician and the journalist that a soul was outrun by a lobby activist in the United States to make noise when it is a sex slave if you can refer to these documents.

18) The American whom the Japanese of we generations admired feels like having completely disappeared. When will blockade Local Assembly and the media by power of Washington, all are unsightly; say, and it will be in a bone of contention.

19) Why is a Korean prostitute monument necessary for the library yard which should be holy even if I think from a realistic point of view? They did not comfort a U.S. soldier and are the people which yell when it was had the sex slave of the Japanese soldier. Even if make a forgery; too impure an idea.

20) In the park mourning for American grand soul, I erected a Korean prostitute monument, and even a Japanese thinks that it is too rude to American heroes. Do the bereaved of hero ladies and gentlemen not feel it at all?

21) Is the soul of many heroes who became an American foundation including Mr. Eisenhower not to be certainly surprised? I think this not to be anything else of the profanity for the soul like the act that a Japanese politician criticizes Yasukuni shrine worship.

22) I think that it is to say how the United States wants to do Japan that a thoughtful Japanese thinks under such situation. When your country is concerned with Korean prostitutes, Japan will really become a part of China.

23) Of course the anti-Americanism Communist Party forces expect that a breakwater called Japan collapses as soon as possible even if the United States is a calculated thing. It is the reason that can easily attack the United States. That country is such a country so that a matter of Senkaku shows it.

24) Please refer to Real nature postscript of the Greater East Asia War, No-8.  songoftraveler.blogspot.com

X) When you investigate this contributor, look at blog. All the English sentences are Yahoo translation. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tabiji-yama/

Z) I talked about an impertinent thing, but I have tolerant understanding of His Highness and support and want you to tie it to the two countries and Asia regional stability and world peace and ask once again.

Twitter for Mr. Obama

@BarackObama 1) Sir Obama, The Japanese citizen thinks that a limit of the patience came about the issue of prostitute forgery of Korea.

@BarackObama 2) When this problem becomes complicated, the matter of sex disposal of occupation army soldiers facilities becomes the topic.

@BarackObama 3) The evidence of the brothel for exclusive use of the occupation army soldier in Japan after the defeat remains.

@BarackObama 4) It is a foreigner not a pure Japanese citizen I feign the history, and to profane the human rights of the prostitute.

@BarackObama 5) When the United States believes a forgery of Korea and goes along, the shameful history will become the topic each other.

@BarackObama 6) Misgovernment of the Democratic Party changes nation awareness and will know it to real nature of GHQ.

@BarackObama 7) None of the nations expects friendship destruction with your country. There is not the duty to send salt to China.

@BarackObama 8) Even if such a fact is announced, I will bring Japan and the United States no profit. It is only Korea to be pleased.

@BarackObama 9) The Japanese citizen never broke the judgment of unreasonable Tokyo trial after defeat for 78 years.

@BarackObama 0) It is a Korean to commit murder and prostitution and a rape act from born brutality in the U.S.A and is not a Japanese.

@BarackObama 11) Sir Obama, Has the American justice been defeated by a present act by the lobbying of the Korea race? It is a sad thing.

@BarackObama 12) Sir Obama, Please know the lie of the sex slave, too. http://youtu.be/ijYLNvUPU_A
@BarackObama 13) Sir Obama, Please know the lie of the Kono statement, too.

@BarackObama 14) It is the recognition about the charity dame of the thoughtful person in Japan and the U.S.A. http://www.toychan.net/archives/2012/12/12_0835.php

@BarackObama 15) The truth of the sexual intercourse slave that the Korean military performed in Vietnam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQrISRFwmc&feat

@BarackObama 16) Please read the original adopted to an American textbook. So Far from the Bamboo Grove (Paperback ed.). ISBN 0-688-13115-8.

@BarackObama 17) It is news relations with a member of the Diet getting a bribe that make noise in the U.S.A when it is a sex slave.

@BarackObama 18) The recent U.S.A is out of order. Please blockade Local Assembly and the media by power of Washington.

@BarackObama 19) The Korean prostitute monument which is why will be necessary for the yard of a holy library.

@BarackObama 20) In the park mourning for American grand soul, I erected a Korean prostitute monument, and it is too rude for a hero.

@BarackObama 21) The soul of many heroes who assume Mr. Eisenhower the beginning will be what I am certainly surprised at.

@BarackObama 22) How does the U.S.A want to do Japan? When your country gets absorbed in such a thing, in Japan, it is in a part of China.

@BarackObama 23) A breakwater called Japan disappears, and the anti-Americanism Communist Party forces may very easily attack the U.S.A.

@BarackObama 24) Please refer to Real nature postscript of the Greater East Asia War, No-8. 

@BarackObama X) When you investigate an undertaker, look at blog. The English sentence is Yahoo translation.   http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tabiji-yama/

@BarackObama Y) I talked about an impertinent thing, but I would like tolerant understanding of His Highness and support.

@BarackObama Z) The original of this tweet is in the following blog. songoftraveler.blogspot.comSexual intercourse slave crush plan No.3

Twitter for Mr. Roos

AmbassadorRoos 1) The Japanese citizen thinks that a limit of the patience came about the issue of prostitute forgery of Korea.

AmbassadorRoos 2) When this matter spreads, the U.S. soldier-related processing facilities in Japan come to the front.

AmbassadorRoos 3) The evidence of the brothel for exclusive use of the occupation army soldier in Japan after the defeat remains.

AmbassadorRoos 4) It is a foreigner not a pure Japanese citizen I feign the history, and to profane the human rights of the prostitute.

AmbassadorRoos 5) When the United States believes a forgery of Korea and goes along, the shameful history will become the topic each other.

AmbassadorRoos 6) Misgovernment of the Democratic Party changes nation awareness and will know it to real nature of GHQ.

AmbassadorRoos 7) None of the nations expects friendship destruction with your country. There is not the duty to send salt to China.

AmbassadorRoos 8) Even if such a fact is announced, I will bring Japan and the United States no profit. It is only Korea to be pleased.

AmbassadorRoos 9) The Japanese citizen never broke the judgment of unreasonable Tokyo trial after defeat for 78 years.

AmbassadorRoos 0) It is a Korean to commit murder and prostitution and a rape act from born brutality in the U.S.A and is not a Japanese.

AmbassadorRoos 11) Sir Roos, Has the American justice been defeated by a present act by the lobbying of the Korea race? It is a sad thing.

AmbassadorRoos 12) Mr. Roos, please know the lie of the sex slave, too. http://youtu.be/ijYLNvUPU_A

AmbassadorRoos 13) Mr. Roos, please know the lie of the Kono statement, too. youtu.be/UfyZioj0M-c

AmbassadorRoos 14) It is the recognition about the charity dame of the thoughtful person in Japan and the U.S. http://www.toychan.net/archives/2012/12/12_0835.php 

AmbassadorRoos 15) The truth of the sexual intercourse slave that the Korean military performed in Vietnam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQrISRFwmc&feat

AmbassadorRoos 16) Please read the original adopted to an American textbook. So Far from the Bamboo Grove (Paperback ed.). ISBN 0-688-13115-8.

AmbassadorRoos 17) It is news relations with a member of the Diet getting a bribe that make noise in the U.S.A when it is a sex slave.

AmbassadorRoos 18) The recent U.S.A is out of order. Please blockade Local Assembly and the media by power of Washington.

AmbassadorRoos 19) The Korean prostitute monument which is why will be necessary for the yard of a holy library.

AmbassadorRoos 20) In the park mourning for American grand soul, I erected a Korean prostitute monument, and it is too rude for a hero.

AmbassadorRoos 21) The soul of many heroes who assume Mr. Eisenhower the beginning will be what I am certainly surprised at.

AmbassadorRoos 22) How does the U.S.A want to do Japan? When your country gets absorbed in such a thing, in Japan, it is in a part of China.

AmbassadorRoos 23) A breakwater called Japan disappears, and the anti-Americanism Communist Party forces may very easily attack the U.S.A.

AmbassadorRoos 24) Please refer to Real nature postscript of the Greater East Asia War, No-8.  songoftraveler.blogspot.com
AmbassadorRoos X) When you investigate an undertaker, look at blog. The English sentence is Yahoo translation. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tabiji-yama/

AmbassadorRoos Y) I talked about an impertinent thing, but I would like tolerant understanding of His Highness and support.

AmbassadorRoos Z) The original of this tweet is in the following blog. songoftraveler.blogspot.comSexual intercourse slave crush plan No.3





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  1. 決して誹謗中傷は致しておりませんので、お時間を見つけてコピー・ツイートにご協力ください。
